Friday, December 18, 2009

Types of Brand Names

Brand names come in many styles. A few include:

Acronym: A name made of initials such as UPS or IBM
Descriptive: Names that describe a product benefit or function like Whole Foods or Airbus
Alliteration and Rhyme: Names that are fun to stay and stick in your mind like Reeses Pieces or Dunkin Donuts
Evocative: Names that evoke a relevant vivid image like Amazon or Crest
Neologisms: Completely made up words like Wii or Kodak
Foreign Word: Adoption of a word from another language like Volvo or Samsung
Founders Names: Using the names of real people like Hewlett-Packard or Disney
Geography: Many brands are named for regions and landmarks like Cisco and Fuji Film
Personification: Many brands take their names from myth like Nike or from the minds of ad execs like Betty Crocker

This is interesting information about brand names. Brand names have great impact on buying products. These were some types of brand names that I got from There is also example for each of them to understand it easily.