Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Societal Marketing Concept

Today we were discussing in class the societal marketing concept. I was reading about it in the book. Basically, in this concept, the marketer should not only take the interests of the business and the customer into account when it is preparing its marketing strategy but it should also take into account the interests of the society as well. In this type of strategy, the business will try to maintain or even improve the welfare of the society. For example, a business can ensure that it creates minimum pollution so that the society is not harmed by the operations of the business.

In Pakistan, many factories have been relocated because they were producing pollutants and were a cause of pollution in the urban areas. However, those businesses who themselves try to take these social concerns into account are able to create a good image in the eyes of the consumers which benefits them in the long term.You guys can check out the details of the concept on the wikipedia website.


Syed Ahmad Hashmi said...

Very rightly pointed out brother this concept basically says that marketers should alawys take into account the society's welfare through their market offerings.