Saturday, December 19, 2009

Try Listening to the customer

An Outside-In approach to customer service

(i just had to copy paste this)

When IDEO remodeled the shopping cart it went out to the customers for suggestions of how to make the cart better. Listening to the customer is VERY important, it's them we are serving.


Syed Ahmad Hashmi said...

Aqsa this is not "copy paste", this is a very innovative addition. You are right CRM has a significant role in business success. Keep the good work going.

M. Umer Toor said...

When IDEO remodeled the shopping cart it went out to the customers for suggestions of how to make the cart better.

This happens to be at the heart of design thinking process, which we'll be learning in Strategy course.

Haider said...

Screw constructive feedback im just going bwahahahha!!!