Monday, January 11, 2010


Every day we are confronted by persuasion. Persuasive advertising is basically convincing customers to purchase products now. It is also persuading customers to receive a sales call or convincing customers to tell others about the brand.
Persuasion Techniques:
Following are some highly effective persuasion techniques:-
  • Create a need:

One method of persuasion involves creating a need or an appealing a previously existing need.This type of persuasion appeals to a person's fundamental needs for shelter, love, self-esteem, self actualization.

  • Appeal to social needs:

Another very effective persuasive method appeals to the need to be popular, prestigious. Telivision commercials provide many examples of this type of persuasion, where viewers are encouraged to purchase items so they can be like everyone else or be like a well known or well-respected person.

  • Use loaded words and images:

Persuasion also often makes use of loaded words and images. Advertisers are well aware of the power of positive words which is why so many advertisers use phrases such as "New and Improved" or "All Natural"