There are some people who think that they can achieve success and can reach their destiny through money. But it is wrong. This can be possible for a very few Lucky and rich people, not for all. That’s why it is said that hardwork is the key to success. For this purpose there are many proverbs like, No pain no gain, Shallow men believe in luck but strong men believe in cause and effect, and Man is the architect of his own fortune etc. These are the proverbs which are made by those who worked very hard in their lives and gained everything. This can be proved by the following example.
The history of every eminent man shows that a strong will and hardwork is as important as a powerful intellect for the achievement of success in life. One of the striking incidents is of Demostenes, the Athenian. He wanted to become a great public speaker. In his boyhood he had a weak voice and stammered. This physical defect was an insuperable hurdle in the race of his life. But he did not lose heart and remained determined. He cured himself of stammering by speaking with pebbles in his mouth. He strengthened his voice by reciting loud as he ran up the steep hills and by declaiming the seashore. So that the struggle with the roar of the waves might train him to make his voice audible in the popular assemblies of Athens. And one day he became the greatest orator of the Greek that the world has ever heard. So to be a better person in life and to gain something you have to work hard because the result of hardwork is always fruitful.
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