Monday, January 11, 2010

10 Essentials to an effective TV commercial

10 Essentials to an effective TV commercial
Put People in Your Commercial
Putting people into your commercial can help draw your target audience. You don't want your commercial to look hokey so you do careful about having people waving at the camera or standing there smiling. Have them doing something that relates to your business so your commercial doesn't look like a photo that's come to life.
Plan Out Your Video
It's crucial you not cram a bunch of video into the small amount of time you have for your commercial. Your video should tell the story about what you're advertising even if a customer has their volume turned down.
Writing the Script
Make sure your commercial's script times out to 30 seconds. Use short sentences that grab your potential customer's attention. You've got a very limited time frame to capture your audience and you need to get your message across quickly. Your audio should also tell the customer what you're advertising even if the customer is in another room and can't see the TV when your commercial airs.
Audio and Video Must Match
When writing your commercial; you must make sure your audio and video match. When you're talking about new car models arriving, you don't want to see video of the current year's make. When you're talking about your big showroom of furniture, you don't want to see the building from the street. You must merge your audio and video to create a powerful sales tool.
Never Forget Your Call to Action
Don't get to the end of your commercial and leave off your call to action. You want to tell customers to visit today and give your complete contact information, including Web site address, phone number and street address.
Stick to Time
Your commercial must time out to the exact time you've paid for. Going over will only get your all-to-important call to action clipped because those last few seconds will be cut off when your commercial airs.Hiring a Production Company Of course, you want your commercial to be professional. You can hire a production company or many television stations have their own production companies in-house. They can handle all aspects of your commercial, including writing, shooting and editing your commercial.
Hiring a Production Company
Of course, you want your commercial to be professional. You can hire a production company or many television stations have their own production companies in-house. They can handle all aspects of your commercial, including writing, shooting and editing your commerc
Scheduling Your Commercial
Placement of your commercial is very important. It determines who will see your commercial and how much you will pay for its airtime. Having your commercial air at 3 a.m. will save you money but if you don't reach your audience it's not money well spent. The same holds true for the station you're airing your ad on as well.
You must need to identify the key times your ad should run and buy enough air time for your commercial to reach your audience at least twice. More times would be ideal.
Consistency Use the same announcer, jingle, fonts, colors, etc. to keep your commercial consistent.
