Monday, January 18, 2010

Children And Advertising

Children And AdvertisingDid you know?
The average American child may view as many as 40,000 television commercials every year (Strasburger, 2001).
Children as young as age three recognize brand logos (Fischer, 1991), with brand loyalty influence starting at age two (McNeal, 1992).
Young children are not able to distinguish between commercials and TV programs. They do not recognize that commercials are trying to sell something (Comstock, 1991).
In 2001, teenagers, ages twelve to nineteen spent $172 billion (an average of $104 per teen each week), up 11 percent from $155 billion in 2000 (Teen Research Unlimited, 2002).
In 2002, children ages four to twelve are expected to spend an estimated $40 billion (McNeal, 2002).
In 2000, children 12 years and under, directly and indirectly, influenced the household spending of over $600 billion (McNeal, 2001).
In 1997, $1.3 billion was spent on television advertisements directed at children. Counting all media, advertising and marketing budgets aimed at children approached $12 billion (McNeal, 1999).
Children who watch a lot of television, want more toys seen in advertisements and eat more advertised food than children who do not watch as much television (Strasburger, 2002).
The market sales of licensed products for infants increased 32% to a record 2.5 billion dollars in 1996 (Business Week, 6/30/97).
Thirty seconds of advertising during the Super Bowl cost $2.4 million (Strasburger, 2002).
Four hours of television programming contain about 100 ads (Minneapolis Star Tribune, 1999).

the link is related to the useof different advertising media (chp 15).i found it interesting because it links specific age group(target consumers) with the advertising media they pefer eg. television for children. other interesting facts are also given regarding advertising and children.