Thursday, December 24, 2009

Types of marketing research

Marketing research is conducting to know the customers opinion, it can be done pre-production, post-production or re – launch of the product. Marketing research varies from scale to large scale depends upon the company willingness to gather in-depth information. Marketing research is mainly categories into two types.
- Quantitative Research
- Qualitative Research

Quantitative Research
This type of research mainly deal in numbers, number of tools are used to gather information from audience such as surveys, different type of media, stores audit and etc. Quantitative research is commonly used and getting popularity day by day because of variety of tools are available in the market. This approach is less expensive and takes less time as compared to Qualitative research, that the reason more companies opting this method as marketing research method.

Qualitative Research
This method is more than dealing in numbers, requires more expertise to perform this type of marketing research. Types of qualitative research include focus groups and observational studies. Focus groups gather a small number of respondents together to discuss topics yielded by the research questions. A moderator leads the discussion and helps keep discussion lively and focused around the research questions.
