Thursday, December 24, 2009

Design-Thinking Start up
  • Its about people,not the product.
  • Understand and define the problem.
  • Remain realistic in your current situation and position.
  • Create a design friendly environment.
  • Continue with the brain stroaming session.
  • Think visually.
  • Discourage rigid rules.
  • Encourage positive training.
These are some points that one may need towards his struggle of success


Syed Ahmad Hashmi said...

This post reminds me of the address by the Guest Speaker. No doubt, design thinking plays a vital role in getting to the targeted level of success and apart from this it has numerous other advantages which altogether contribute towards long run success of many businesses.

zeenat hassan said...

ya Ahmad i strongly agree with you because if we will keep in mind these important points before taking any decision then our final destination would be success.