Monday, December 21, 2009

How to Resolve Conflicts at Work

Friction in the workplace can be stressful and counterproductive for everyone involved. Learn to approach the person with whom you are struggling and resolve the situation. Few steps to alleviate awkwardness in the workplace are to speak to the other person calmly, politely and rationally. Focus on the situation and facts, avoiding gossip and personal attacks. Be careful not to express hostility in your posture, facial expression or tone. Listen to the other person carefully. Communicate clearly what you want, offering positive suggestions and recommendations. Be willing to be flexible. Speak to your supervisor if a problem with a difficult co-worker seriously threatens your work, but avoid whining. These were some few steps to resolve conflicts at work. To know about more steps click the below link.



syed hassan raza said...

An informative post. I would just add that individuals should focus on these steps when they are in conflicts which can prove to be beneficial for the organization in the long run for example, conflicts related to the production process. Individuals should avoid all types of conflicts which mainly take place due to clash of personalities.