Saturday, November 28, 2009

Understanding Customer Experience Or Understand the needs and wants of your customers

The abovce mentioned link contains an interesting artical by Mohsin Khwaja. which raise some interesting points:

1- Now a days the trend of E- commerec is gone down because customers are more concious about thier purchasings.

According to some facts and figures:

• 77% of online shoppers in the US actively seek out reviews before they buy.

• 92% of shoppers find customer reviews “extremely helpful” or “very helpful” in making their decisions.

• 97% said they trusted recommendations from peers.

And further says That

2- You should desgin your products according to the needs of the customers. Because if u will produce beyond his use or skill it will not effect anything on the customer, But will effect u and u will loose ur market share and Ultimately ur product will b toally wasted.


Azeem Akhtar said...

good tahir.ya its necessary to satisfy our customers it is only possible if we launch a new product according to the wants of our customers.