Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Principle-centered Leadership

Principle-centered leadership is a very important character and every leader should be principle-centered. Principle-centered leaders are men and women of character who work on the basis of natural principles and build those principles into the center of their lives, into the center of their relationships with others, into the center of their agreements and contracts, into their management processes, and into their mission statements.

and that's all we should do in order to add meaning and strength to our leadership qualities.



Syed Ahmad Hashmi said...

Such a leader would always go by the book which is very much a bureaucratic style of leadership. That's an Innovative addition Sehrish. keep it up.

AM said...

i agree with you ahmed don't you think that in real life situations, you can't always follow the book? in my opinion decisions should be made on the basis of logic and your judgement rather than following principles and books

Sehrish Asghar said...

I dint mention any bookish thing here.. principle-centered leadership is not learnt out of a book !! it's a style of leadership where you follow the principles and are not driven by emotions, and yes one can not always follow the principles but he HAS to

Look at the figure, it is an extract from Covey's book on principle-centered leadership and explains principle-centered leadership properly. U come above every thing that may de-track u and focus on your values and what is right and of course it's the right way. Hope I convinced u

and as far as the logic and judgment is concerned, look at the figure. It points out that wisdom is one of the principles that is followed, it automatically covers logic and judgment

Syed Ahmad Hashmi said...

I basically reffered to "Red tapeism" in this style of leadership which means that the leader always goes by the rules and regulations stated in the policy book.