Monday, December 7, 2009

Is disorder is more efficient than order

Is disorder is more efficient than order

Have you ever observed that many busy, working people, who are really competent and intelligent, have their study rooms, offices, etc., full of disorder, almost as chaotic as Pakistani society? Do you think it is negative and inefficient to have disorder rule over one's living place(s)? i feel this, others may relate to it, that disorder is a good friend of mine. It does not bother me, rather it helps me by saving my time which would have been consumed in establishing the order, which never stops to diminish. Disorder is natural to happen, it'd take place, look what entropy says, but can it be really more productive than having order in 'working places'?


Rabbia Nasir Amin said...

I agree to it partially but not completely.
While being disorganized may save u time, but that does not mean that an organized person is a time-waster. If he is both organized and productive, then it simply means he has more potential of handling his workload and personally I think its a plus point !
Plus one might feel comfortable with this disorder thing, BUT its not very useful from the social perspective

i.e intra-personally it can be good, but not inter-personally

That's what I think

Rabbia Nasir Amin said...

good post though

Faisal said...

According to me in this modern and fast era the most precious and scarce resource is time.Now a days people have very less time for everything.So I agree with you Umer that we should save time for more productive things instead of wasting time on organizing.

M. Umer Toor said...

Nice comments. I am looking for a book that's actually written as a praise on disorder. Curious to know how systematically it does. I have no great evidence to support my intuition, though...

Rabbia Nasir Amin said...

I am not trying to totally discard his opinion, since every one has his own mindset, so as long as he is comfortable about his opinions, its perfectly all right
But nothing is applicable to everyone. Like he is perfectly okay with disorder, I am extremely uncomfortable with it, and if one is both organized and goal-oriented at the same time, its okay as long as that person is comfortable with it