Thursday, December 3, 2009

Define Your Target Market (Ready, Aim, Fire!) by Jay Dyson

Building a company requires specific actions be taken in an orderly fashion. An principal first step is to identify your target market. You must be sure that your message is seen by persons who are interested in your message.
You should make every effort to outline who your target market is right up front. There are several questions regarding targeting that you need to answer:
1. Who do you want to attract?
2. What do they need to accomplish?
3. What problems do they need solved?
4. What segment of the marketplace are you interested in attracting?
5. Are you ready, willing and able to provide the solution?
Since the network marketing industry is the focus of this article, this market will be addressed. When segmentation of this market is applied, we see that more than one demographic can be targeted.

posted by Abd ur Rehman