Friday, October 30, 2009

advantages of mission statement

A mission statement is so vital because it will be the guidelines that you will define you as a person and a company. You will become what you want to become as simple as that. So if you think thoroughly about how you want to be remembered and write it down with details then you will have a goal and direction.

It is important because you know then where you are going. Study this over and over again. Make adjustments to improve yourself and your company. Create challenging goals for you and your members. Here are some questions you should ask when putting together a good mission statement.

1. Who is your business plan for? Who is going to look at this and be inspired about it. If you have family members the only way they are going to support you with taking the time to start a business is if they see your vision and can grab a hold of that. Your work life will be conducive with your family life. Both will improve and you will not sacrifice work for family.

Also you will have potential joint ventures and employees that need to see this plan so they can catch hold of your vision. They are sacrificing a lot to be with you and you should give them a great purpose in the system, because in all reality they are more important than you.

That can only be accomplished with a strong action plan for yourself so you know what to do step by step to ensure that others should trust you. It doesn�t matter how nice the body of your car looks if you don�t have wheels to ride on.

2. Is this simple enough to help people understand what you are doing?People have short attention spans. I am a perfect example. Simply state in two or three points what you want to accomplish and the company description. Let employees and customers know what is always going to happen when they work with you. Whether they are selling or buying with you there should be an underlying understanding of what your system will give them beyond the product. Buying a car means more than just transportation.

3. What sets you apart from the competition?If they don�t believe then it will be a pointless ride. You have to be the best in some area and constantly press that hot button with everyone you come in contact with. This should be in your mission statement. Compelling mission statements will help employees, investors and customers know where you are and how you want to help your customers by taking them somewhere. Read this frequently to motivate yourself. Have it a constant part of what your employees read because they need to be reminded just as often. It will turn employees into team players.

When you are struggling you can look back at these ten reasons for why you should be grateful for your business plan. You will be amazed when you follow it everyday because these are the results of what may happen:

1. Puts your business idea to the test, it fine tunes it up-front.

2. Turns a good idea into a viable business or a working enterprise.

3. Helps you come up with creative ways to make your business work.

4. Shows us what we are up against with competition

5. Creates a detailed action plan to keep the competitive advantage

6. Specifies what you need to start the business�saves time and money

7. No nonsense list of equipment needs

8. Provides a timetable when you need to finish the items on your to-do list

9. Helps you get the funding you need

10. Tells the world who you are