Sunday, January 3, 2010

The world’s first production WYSIWYG computer that Failed to Sell

The world’s first production WYSIWYG(1981). The Xeror Alto had a bit-mapped screen, a mouse and a graphical user interface. After prototyping similar designs in its Palo Alto laboratories, Xerox tried marketing it as an office automation device. Later, Apple Computer grabbed the design for their now-forgotten LISA computer and later (and more famously) for the Macintosh.

Why it failed: No marketing and no sales education. Xerox had no idea what to do with the device and were afraid it might eat into revenues of their word processors. They should have dropped the price to gain share and cannibalized their installed base.


/Muhammad Tahir Azad said...
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/Muhammad Tahir Azad said...

Thats why Maketing is importent, COZ u actually sujjest the people that Xyz Product is availabe in the market,, have following feature,,, By knowing all thes things the costumers can be attract. Customer will b unaware of ur product untill u will not advertise it..