Thursday, December 3, 2009

The first post that declares to be UNTITLED

An appeal: After this post appears on blog - Please don't storm the blog with "copy-paste," mostly thoughtless posts, which interest none of us except the person posting stuff for self-appreciation. Yeah, original posts are always welcomed as honorable guests by yours truly or else, and its human nature, perhaps. In order to digest these words, you may like to read this. But I'd wait to be stormed, nonetheless, (for no more than few seconds), it's not not to be.

Our predecessors, previous sophomores, used to that, and sir Mannan called them clever. We're no more cleverer if we just imitate our elders, every new generation is more intelligent and cleverer than the older. Who are you?


Last year, sir Manan introduced us to the world of blogging, as a new avenue for learning. He opened our mind to new vistas of learning where one actively participates by generating, by producing ideas as well, not just consuming whatever is fed to him.

I was on. And with blogging day-in day-out, I caught the attention unintentionally of a leading blog-zine of Pakistan, where writers of the stature of Dr. Shereen Mazari, and many writers from all over the world write on diverse topics, The Pakistani Spectator. They interviewed me. And offered me to write there, (for some technical reasons I failed to produce any masterpiece to get published).

You can read my interview here. I thanked our professor for this recognition I gained. Recognition is what we need.