Saturday, December 26, 2009

Benefits of paying attenton to Bus Hawkers.

Guys last time i was travelling by a bus . And i found a person who was selling Perfumes of XYZ Co. I dont know whethere that was legel or illegel Co. But i was just focusing on his presenetion skills, that person might not be well educated but his dress code, and fluencey in spekaing was very attrecticve. he just entered in the bus. And he got the attention of the people by saying salaam and by speaking some famous 1 or 2 qoutes. And then he start introducing the features of his product. At that point o f time there was a pin drop silence in the bus and all people start listening to him. when he ended at least 25 out of 40 people bought that product.

I dont think so that his product was as good. But the way he present the product was mind blowing. I wasn't excpecting that the people might bought that product open heartedly. Just because of his Presntation and marketing skills people bought a lot more then my expectation.

The point is if u want to be good at ur presentation skills u should be foucused on ur sarroundings, just see how people catch others attention. and sells their Products. Specially Transport hawkers.. Believe me they have excellent skills. If u will compare ur skills with them, i can gurantree u will learn a lot.

So don't avoide those hawkers. If u dont want to bought from them. its an other issue but pay attention to them. You will gain a lot lot from them.


Sami Ullah Baig said...

Dear all
Man is a social animal, and what ever goes around him its logical.And the very first step where man starts to learn things is from his surrounding. as the post is about good presenting skills, so its not only the classroom, where humans, learns but our attitude & courage to absorb information surrounds us is pretty important..